Linking Clinic and Science

Sofie Kadel and Philipp Weis from the University Hospital Würzburg conduct research as Clinician Scientists at the Helmholtz Institute Würzburg and the Single-Cell Center Würzburg

Clinician scientists, medical doctors who conduct research, are an important link between basic research, clinical studies, and patient care. Over the next three years, Sofie Kadel and Philipp Weis, both physicians at the University Hospital Würzburg, will support and complement the research carried out in Emmanuel Saliba's laboratory at the Helmholtz Institute Würzburg and at the Single-Cell Center Würzburg. This is made possible by the TWINSIGHT fellowship program, which is funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation.

Sofie Kadel and Philipp Weis gained many years of experience as physicians at the University Hospital of Würzburg, where they specialized in the treatment of hematological malignancies, which are cancerous diseases of the hematopoietic system.

Their common goal is to uncover the mechanisms underlying the failure of immunotherapies and the associated adverse effects. The research team is particularly interested in CAR-T cells, genetically modified cells of the immune system, and bispecific antibodies, engineered hybrid antibodies. In the Saliba lab and at the Single-Cell Center, Kadel and Weis will have the opportunity to learn and implement single-cell genomics techniques on clinical cohorts. Furthermore, they will work closely with Prof. Leo Rasche from the University Hospital.

Further information on the TWINSIGHT fellowship program