Ariane Binder
Ariane Binder completed her BSc and MSc at the University of Würzburg. She joined the Saliba lab in April 2022, where she started her work on understanding the lifecycle of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium (Salmonella) in human intestinal epithelial cells on the single-cell level as part of her master's thesis. Since June 2023, she has continued as a graduate student, following up on her work on Salmonella, working with a human small intestinal epithelial organoid model and scSLAM-seq. Her research focuses on uncovering the host factors that drive Salmonella to have different lifestyles in epithelial cells. Outside of the lab, she enjoys an active life with cycling and bouldering and being creative by doing all kinds of artwork, as well as knitting and sewing.