The ambivalent role of macrophages in myocardial infarction
Giant phagocytes in the immune system, also known as macrophages, play a crucial and dual role in repairing the heart after impaired blood flow (ischemia), as they can promote both healing and tissue damage. Precursors of macrophages are monocytes. These are found in the blood, but must leave the bloodstream and enter the tissue to perform their function as phagocytes.
With expertise from the Single-Cell Center Würzburg, Germany, a research team has applied single-cell transcriptomics, among other techniques, to provide a comprehensive map of monocyte/macrophage transitions in the ischemic heart after myocardial infarction. The findings constitute a valuable resource for further investigating how these cells may be harnessed and modulated to promote post-ischemic heart repair.
Original Publication
Dynamics of monocyte-derived macrophage diversity in experimental myocardial infarction
Rizzo G, Gropper J, Piollet M, Vafadarnejad E, Rizakou A, Reddy Bandi S, Arampatzi P, Krammer T, DiFabion N, Arias-Loza AP, Prinz M, Mack M, Schlepckow K, Haase C, Silvestre JS, Zernecke A, Saliba AE & Cochain C (2022)
Image of the heart: © Adobe Stock/croisy (edited by HIRI)
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