Single-Cell Center Würzburg

The Single-Cell Center Würzburg is a joint competence center of the Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) with the Medical Faculty of the Julius Maximilians University Würzburg (JMU), the University Hospital Würzburg (UKW), the Fraunhofer Translational Center for Regenerative Therapies (TLZ-RT), and the Max Planck Research Group in Systems Immunology (WüSI).



Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research

The Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research (HIRI) is the first institution of its kind worldwide to combine ribonucleic acid (RNA) research with infection biology. Based on novel findings from its strong basic research program, the institute's long-term goal is to develop innovative therapeutic approaches to better diagnose and treat human infections.

HIRI is a site of the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig in cooperation with the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) and is located on the Würzburg Medical Campus.

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Julius-Maximilians-Universität of Würzburg

Founded in 1402, the Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) of Würzburg is the oldest university in Bavaria. Its guiding principle: "Science for society". Thus, the JMU strives for new knowledge in research areas that are relevant to the future. A key aspect is the close cooperation with businesses or industries and with numerous partner universities around the world.

As a full-scale university, the JMU offers a broad spectrum from the humanities and social sciences, the life sciences and natural sciences as well as selected high-tech engineering sciences – both in research and teaching.

The JMU enjoys a very good reputation worldwide: it ranks among the world's best 250 universities in international rankings, for example 140th in the Times Higher Education Ranking of World Universities (THE) 2021. Renowned awards regularly go to Würzburg – such as Leibniz Prizes from the DFG or grants from the European Research Council.

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University Hospital Würzburg

The University Hospital Würzburg (UKW) is the only supramaximal care hospital in the Lower Franconia region to cover a catchment area with over one million inhabitants. With over 1,400 beds, the Würzburg University Hospital currently treats almost 69,000 inpatients and day-care patients and over 249,000 outpatient cases per year. Under the motto top medicine and top research for the benefit of patients, science and patient treatment are so closely interlinked that patients benefit from the most modern therapy standards. Many of his therapy offers also exert a nationwide, and in some cases even worldwide, appeal. Its research is also of an international standard. Around 7,300 employees guarantee patient-oriented medicine and care according to recognized quality standards: The services of the University Hospital Würzburg have been certified and awarded many times. In addition, the entire University Hospital of Würzburg is certified according to the guidelines of the KTQ (cooperation for transparency and quality in healthcare).

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Max Planck Research Group in Systems Immunology

The Max Planck Research Group at the Würzburg Institute of Systems Immunology (WüSI) investigates the interplay of the immune system with the organism, in particular the interactions of different cells of the immune system in local networks and with cells of other organ systems. The scientists study the development of lymphocytes, their migration pattern within organs and their organization as "local defense forces" in different tissues: where and how do cells of the immune system interact to achieve an effective immune response or to prevent inflammatory disease processes. To answer these questions the scientists are developing new genetic models as well as methods of single cell biology, of high-resolution imaging and artificial intelligence. The goal is to understand the mechanisms underlying successful immune responses against infectious agents and tumors from a molecular to a systems level, and to exploit them therapeutically.

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Fraunhofer Translational Center for Regenerative Therapies

The Fraunhofer Translational Center for Regenerative Therapies TLZ-RT develops new cell-based tissue models and test systems, scalable production processes and biological vascularized implants up to the prototype stage. In cooperation with partners from medical technology, biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry, TLZ-RT conducts research on behalf of companies as well as for clinics, diagnostic laboratories and other research institutions.  As a partner of the Single-Cell Center, the TLZ-RT contributes with its cell-based 3D tissue models in research projects, e.g. to the elucidation of infection processes and effect mechanisms on certain differentiated cell types. With its approximately 50 employees, the TLZ-RT is part of the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC and is closely linked to the Chair of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERM) at the University Hospital of Würzburg.

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More about the Single-Cell Center


How single-cell analysis works
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HIRI Research in Single-Cell Analysis
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Where to find us

Single-Cell Center Würzburg | c/o Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research | Josef-Schneider-Str. 2 / Building D15 | 97080 Würzburg, Germany